Our Resources

Resources and Tools

VNQ proudly provides a number of resources and tools for community groups, particularly those who are linked with Volunteering.

Please browse content below, if you feel something is missing and is of value to be shared with our community please be in touch.

For Volunteer Managers
For Volunteers
  • Volunteers Handbook

    Coming soon

  • Volunteers Policy & Procedures Manual

    Coming soon

  • Organisation Policy & Procedures Manual

    Coming soon


VM Cafe 27 July 2023

2023 Volunteer Awards

Barriers to Volunteering

Change Makers Workshop

Engaging Youth

What would we do without them?

#VNQCA TV Commercial

Auslan - Yes Please


An Our Community enterprise, the Institute of Community Directors Australia  delivers information, tools and resources, training, events, qualifications and credentials to not-for-profits of all kinds.