To achieve our aim of a North Queensland community rich in community participation through volunteering, we need to connect to as many people and organisations as possible. Here is how you can help.
It’s free, because we believe you shouldn’t pay to be in a relationship with us.
Membership is open to everyone – individuals, Not-For-Profit organisations (NFPs) and For Profit organisations – because we need your help to fulfil our vision of a community rich in volunteering.
Not-for-Profit Members can purchase a Volunteer Referral Service.
This service is a ‘fee for service’, based on the number of volunteer positions you advertise with us during the course of a year.
It is a cost-effective way of sourcing volunteers for your organisation.
Documentation of Social Enterprise Status in the form of: Evidence of Current Certification by Social Traders* OR
A statutory declaration or independent third-party report (e.g. a letter prepared by a member of CPA Australia, Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, or the Institute of Public Accountants) confirming that the supplier adheres to the social enterprise definition.
VNQ thanks our Sponsors and Partners for their support.
Find out more about them and their involvement in our community here.