Christmas Closure 2022

Yay!! Wonderful Christmas news – we’ll be back in 2023. VNQ will be volunteer run and operated and, over the break, we will relocate to new premises.

With a massive thank you for the amazing kindness of our very own VNQ communications and referral volunteers, our existing services of volunteer referrals (for members with a volunteer referral service package), EDMs and social media, will continue.

Our fabulous 2023 Management Committee (also volunteers) will be hands on with some of the operational roles and will continue to lobby for operational funding, while exploring new opportunities for VNQ.  

Our office will close for Christmas on Thursday, 15 December and will open the communication lines on Tuesday, 17 January

We have been overwhelmed with your support, offers and acknowledgement of the important role volunteering and, in particular, VNQ plays in our local community. We’re very proud of the community organisations and volunteers in our region. You define the heart of our community and VNQ will continue to advocate to ensure we can provide you with the best access to resources, information, training and connections. 

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