Better Together Breakfast – Getting Back on Track

What a year it’s been!  Of course you know how 2020 has impacted your organisation’s delivery of services. Or do you? Each impact is unique and, possibly, your organisation and volunteers may have been impacted in ways that you don’t know yet.

Join us for the final Better Together Breakfast for 2020 at Rydges Southbank, featuring keynote speaker Ronald McDonald House Charities North Australia (“RMHC”) CEO, Denise Lumsden.

RMCH relies on more than 200 volunteers to provide these services. When their volunteer-led programs were disrupted, the organisation continued delivering the vital services that support seriously ill children and their families across the region.

With the health and safety of families and volunteers a priority, RMCH tailored a personal approach to keep volunteers engaged and to get back on track.

Following the breakfast, the free Volunteer Managers (“VM”) Café will offer further insights through facilitated discussion about delivering during disruptions, helping you to consider your first step towards a new way of delivering your services.

VM Cafe is about telling your story, with a side of “C’s” – Connect. Compare. Contribute. Collaborate.

Breakfast and VM Café, 26 November 2020, at Rydges Southbank. Bookings essentials.  Register for the Better Together Breakfast and/or the VM Café here.

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