Better Together Networking Breakfast – The Future of Volunteering + Launch of new Corporate & Group Platform
We are pleased to announce that Andy Fryer, a significant contributor to the Australian Volunteerism community for over 30 years will be our keynote speaker at the second networking breakfast speaking on The Future of Volunteering. This is a networking event like no other for building value adding relationships between the corporate, not-for-profit and government sectors to have a positive impact in our community.
In addition, we are excited that we will be officially launching a new web-based platform for connecting Corporates, Groups of Volunteers and NFP’s. This platform will help you connect with organisations with similar values and goals. Referrals can be facilitated in any direction between Corporates, Groups of Volunteers and NFP’s.
Register now and share with your colleagues so you and your team don’t miss out.
Training Workshops – 16-18 July 2019
Professional and local trainers will be leading three workshops, all with a choice of morning or evening session. Workshops include: Videography & Social Media // Grant Stats & Outcomes // Volunteer Management: Good Grief!
Andy Fryer
National Operations Manager for Better Impact in Australia and New Zealand & Founder of OzVPM.
Keynote Speaker:
Better Together Breakfast
18th July 2019
Dania Douglas
Lauren & Douglas
Videography & Social Media
16th July 2019
Renee Madsen
Director, Create and Evaluate
Grants Stats & Outcomes
17th July 2019
Andy Fryer
National Operations Manager for Better Impact in Australia and New Zealand & Founder of OzVPM.
Volunteer Management: Good Grief!
18th July 2019